The School Committee recognizes that a cooperative relationship with law enforcement authorities is desirable for the protection of students and staff and in maintaining a safe school environment. To that end, the School Committee and the Kittery Police Department have established a School Resource Officer (SRO) program. The School Committee hereby officially designates the police officers assigned by the Kittery Police Department and assigned, selected, and approved by the Kittery School District Superintendent to serve as SROs as the law enforcement unit of the Kittery School District. The purpose of the SRO is to assist in maintaining the physical security and safety of the Kittery schools, to cultivate a safe, healthful, and inclusive community, and to foster a positive relationship between the School District and law enforcement.
In keeping with the Kittery School District’s mission, the primary roles of the SROs are to:
A. Provide support and assistance to the school administration and staff to maintain a safe and constructive learning environment;
B. Serve as a resource to administrators and teachers in planning and providing age-appropriate educational programs that foster safe and healthful behaviors;
C. Serve as a resource to administrators and staff concerning law enforcement and child safety issues;
D. Assist individual students and their families in addressing issues related to law enforcement; and
E. Serve as a liaison between the schools and the Kittery Police Department in addressing issues of concern to both departments.
School administrators and staff have the primary responsibility for maintaining proper order in the schools and for disciplining students for violations of School Committee policies and school rules. However, the Superintendent and administrators may seek the assistance of an SRO and/or the Kittery Police Department when they believe there is a threat to the safety of the schools, students and/or staff. The Superintendent and administrators shall also inform an SRO and/or the Kittery Police Department when they have reason to suspect that a student or staff member may have violated a state or federal criminal law.
The Superintendent and administrators retain the authority to deny access to students for non-school-related investigations, and strongly discourage SROs and other law enforcement authorities from using the schools as a venue to arrest and/or question students for activities not related to or affecting the schools.
Under this policy, SROs are considered to be school officials with legitimate educational interests in reviewing educational records in order to perform their professional responsibilities.
The School Committee authorizes the Superintendent to develop administrative procedures, in consultation with the Kittery Police Department, to guide interactions between the schools, the SROs and the Kittery Police Department. Such procedures should safeguard the rights of students and parents and be consistent with School Committee policies. School administrators may also develop appropriate building-level procedures regarding the role and activities of SROs in their schools. All administrative procedures must be consistent with School Committee policies, as well as the SRO program agreement between the Kittery School District and the Kittery Police Department, and are subject to approval by the School Committee.
Adopted: January 2, 2019
Revised: March 16, 2021
Legal Reference: 20 USC 1232g; 34 CFR Part 99
Cross Reference: EBCA-Comprehensive Emergency Plan
JICIA – Weapons, Violence and School Safety
JIH –Questioning and Searches of Students
JRA – Student Records