Our focus is to serve the highest quality school meals, following the food safety practices, 

providing students with the nutrition necessary for success in the classroom while

teaching them good eating habits that will promote a lifetime of good health. 

MENUS for September

Mitchell Primary School    -     Shapleigh School    -     Traip Academy

Meet Our School Nutritional Staff

CLICK name below to view employee BIO.

Wendy Collins

Director of School Nutrition

Mitchell Primary School

Mitchell Primary School

Jodi Morrel

Kitchen Helper

Mitchell Primary School

Catherine Palmer

Kitchen Helper

Mitchell Primary School

Wendy Elgouhary

Kitchen Helper

Shapleigh School

Veronica Folkers

Kitchen Helper

Shapleigh School

Nathaniel Hass

Kitchen Helper

Shapleigh School

Susan Whittemore

Kitchen Manager

Traip Academy

Donna Korzeb

Kitchen Helper

Traip Academy