It is the intent of the School Committee that students not be used as a means of distributing flyers, brochures or other materials that are not directly related to school programs or school related activities.
Only the following materials may be distributed to students to be carried home:
A. Communications from the School Committee, Superintendent, school administrators and school staff including newsletters, letters to parents, announcements of extracurricular activities, meetings or events, school forms and classroom information;
B. Information and notices concerning school-sponsored activities and programs for students and/or parents;
C. Information and notices concerning activities and programs offered by groups affiliated with the Kittery schools, such as parent-teacher organizations and booster groups;
D. Information and notices from municipal, state and federal agencies concerning programs available to students and parents;
E. Notices from accredited postsecondary institutions;
Notices from other non-profit groups concerning activities that directly support the educational goals of the schools and benefit students may be posted in a designated location in each school.
Materials that disrupt the instructional process or do not support the educational mission of the school, that are lewd or obscene, that are libelous, or that promote illegal activities will not be displayed in the schools.
Commercial materials will not be distributed to students except in the case of those whose purpose is to further a school activity such as graduation, class pictures, class rings, or approved fundraising activities. The Superintendent will approve distribution of such activity-related materials.
Adopted: October 15, 2001
Revised: September 2, 2003; May 21, 2013