The School Committee believes that community participation in the schools is essential to maintain mutual confidence and respect and to improve the quality of education for all students.


Community participation is important both at the School Committee and school building levels.  The School Committee shall seek to involve the community through established policies governing public participation at School Committee meetings, advisory committees and other appropriate means.  Building administrators are encouraged to establish methods to involve the community in decision-making processes which are consistent with School Committee policies.


The School Committee is ultimately responsible for the formulation of policies involving the curriculum, instruction and the overall school program.  The School Committee reserves the right to make the final decision regarding any such policies, while taking into account the views and suggestions from community members and others.





Adopted:             January 7, 1985


Revised:              January 8, 1991; July 5, 1994;   May 7, 2013


Legal Reference:    20-A MRSA § 1001 et seq.


Cross Reference:     BDF – Advisory Committees to the School Committee

                                 BEDH – Public Participation at School Committee Meetings