The School Committee recognizes that divergent opinions exist among parent/legal guardian and students regarding the appropriateness of using dissection as a means of achieving certain instructional goals in the biological sciences.  Therefore, in order to ensure that legitimate objections to dissection are taken into account while at the same time protecting the integrity of the instructional program, the following procedure shall be observed:


 A.    In instances where students and/or parent/legal guardian object to dissection on ethical or moral grounds, a written request from the parent/legal guardian of the student wishing to be excused from dissection shall be submitted to the teacher in whose class the dissection is to occur.  The request shall state the reasons for requesting that the student be excused from dissection and must be received at least five (5) school days prior to the planned activity.


B.    The teacher, in consultation with the Principal, shall review the request.  Those reviewing the request may wish to schedule an interview with the parent/legal guardian and/or student in order to gain information needed to reach a decision.


 C.    If the request is approved, an alternative activity, closely related and of comparable rigor, will be assigned in lieu of the laboratory dissection.  The alternatives may include such activities as computer simulations and research.


 D.    If the request is disapproved, the parent/legal guardian may appeal the decision.


 E.     The student will be responsible for and evaluated on the material covered in the alternative activity.


 F.     The alternative activity will carry credit equivalent to the dissection activity.


 G.    The Superintendent will ensure that sufficient means are put in place to annually inform students and parents/legal guardians about the availability of alternatives to dissection and the procedure for requesting such alternatives. It is the assumption of the Committee that this language is included in all course syllabi where dissection is an integral part of the curriculum.




Adopted:     July 16, 2013


Revised:      January 31, 2023