The Kittery School District will employ standardized testing as one of multiple methods for measuring student achievement and for gathering information to use in improving the instructional program for the district and students.
Large-scale assessments will include tests mandated by state and federal guidelines.
The school may also administer other nationally normed standardized achievement tests, vocational tests, aptitude tests, Advanced Placement tests, and other such tests that will benefit students and/or inform instruction in the district.
Although all assessments of student achievement/aptitude may be considered in determining student progress/ability, no single test may be the only measure of student achievement/aptitude.
Schools will inform parents and students of the standardized tests they plan to administer during the school year and the approximate schedule. As the test date approaches, parents and students should be reminded that the test will be given so that other appointments may be reasonably planned so as not to interrupt or interfere with the testing and so that students may be rested on the day of the test.
Parents and students will be notified in advance of any personality tests, personal inventories, or surveys that the school plans to administer, and parents and eligible students (students 18 years of age or older) must be provided the opportunity to elect to not participate in such test, inventory or survey.
Adopted: April 16, 2013
Cross Reference: Policies ILA, ILD