All students are required to enroll in a minimum number of full-time subjects each school year, as determined by administration.  However, this does not eliminate the possibility of students graduating after completing three years of high school.


Third-year students who have demonstrated proficiency in all graduation standards may receive their high school diplomas at the end of their third year.


Before registration for the third year, the student and parent/guardian must notify the high school administration, in writing, that they wish the student to complete his/her high school requirements at the conclusion of the student’s third year.


After this notification, and prior to registering for courses, the student and parent/guardian will have a conference with the Principal/designee and guidance counselor to discuss the request.


The student will be awarded a high school diploma at the conclusion of the student’s third year if all courses are successfully completed and the student and parent or guardian fully approve at that time.


Students who enroll in a college after their third year of high school may apply that body of work to demonstrating proficiency of the high school graduation standards and receive a high school diploma.  Prior to the conclusion of the third year of high school, the student and parent/guardian will notify the high school administration, in writing, that they wish the student to complete his/her high school requirements at a college where the student has been accepted.  The student and parent/guardian will confer with the Principal and guidance counselor to agree on a course of study that will fulfill high school requirements.  On successful completion of the courses, the student will be awarded a high school diploma.




Adopted:             July 16, 2013


Revised:                  January 2, 2018


Cross Reference:     IKF - Graduation Requirements