Consistent with the principles of proficiency-based learning, students will progress through their educational experience as they meet the standards of each grade level (as determined by the Maine Learning Results: Parameters for Essential Instruction).  The School Committee recognizes the need for flexible timelines in order to meet the needs of each students.


Effective communication with parents/guardians is critical to a student’s success as progress is carefully monitored. The Superintendent, school administrators and teachers are responsible for ensuring that parents/guardians are kept informed of their child’s progress through progress reports, parent/guardian conferences, electronic grade books and other appropriate means. Parents/guardians are responsible for keeping themselves informed regarding their child’s progress and to inform their child’s teacher(s) of any information that may impact student performance.


When progress is determined to be inadequate for a student or when a student exceeds the learning expectations, a district response to the need will be identified.


School administrators, teachers and school counselors shall consider the following in making recommendations:

·  Differentiation within the classroom

·  Individual student support within the classroom

·  Revised course of study

·  Before/after school support

·  Placement


When a change in grade progression or school placement is under consideration, the following factors shall be considered:

·  Standardized testing scores

·  Student performance on classroom assessments

·  Attendance

·  Motivation, attitude and behavior

·  Parent/guardian and teacher input

·  Age/sibling placement

·  Individual educational plans


The building administrator shall be responsible for making the decision regarding retention or acceleration, in consultation with the student’s parents/guardians, teacher(s), and  school counselor. Parents/guardians dissatisfied with the building administrator’s decision may appeal it to the Superintendent of Schools in writing within 14 calendar days. The Superintendent shall review the matter and request additional information, if appropriate. The Superintendent’s decision shall be final.


Any decisions concerning special education students shall be in consultation with the Director of Special Education and will be aligned with the student’s Individualized Education Plan (IEP).


Adopted:     February 19, 2013


Revised:      November 1, 2022