IKD:  Academic Recognition: Latin Honors and Grade Point Averages


Beginning with the Class of 2018, to recognize high academic achievement as determined by students demonstrating proficiency in the school’s cross-curricular and content-area graduation standards, Traip Academy uses a system of Latin honors and proficiency-based Grade Point Averages to award academic recognition and distinction. Using a system familiar to prospective colleges and universities, Traip Academy awards Latin honors based on individual achievement as measured against consistently applied learning standards.  Latin honor designations for commencement will be determined at the end of the student’s seventh semester.  However, Latin honor designations on the transcript will include all semesters of the student’s high school program.


A.            Latin Honors


The categories of academic distinction are as follows:

Summa Cum Laude (with highest honors)

Magna Cum Laude (with high honors)

Cum Laude (with honors)


B.            Grade Point Averages


Traip Academy employs a consistent system of grading, scoring, and aggregating proficiency that produces a rolling and cumulative unweighted Grade Point Average for each student. The Grade Point Average is reported on the official Traip Academy transcript and is used to determine Latin honors in accordance with the following categories:

Summa Cum Laude: a minimum GPA of 3.8

Magna Cum Laude: a minimum GPA of 3.6

Cum Laude: a minimum GPA of 3.4



Adopted:                 August 4, 2015


Revised:                  January 2, 2018


Cross References:   IKA: Grading and Reporting System

IKC: Transcripts