EEAG-E:   ALTERNATIVE TRANSPORTATION FORM                                                                                                                                                                                                    


KITTERY SCHOOL DEPARTMENT- Alternative Transportation Form Parental permission and student acknowledgement for transportation via private vehicle to/from out-of-town games, meets, and events associated with activities officially recognized by the Kittery School Committee.




 I give my permission for my son/daughter to travel to and from out-of-town games, meets, and events by means of private vehicle when the Kittery School Department is not providing transportation to said game, meet, or event.

This permission includes: (Please indicate permission by circling 1, 2 and/or 3.)


1.    my son/daughter as a driver of a legally registered and inspected car owned by my son/daughter or   me.

2. my son/daughter as a passenger in a legally registered and inspected vehicle driven by an adult supervisor, or another parent.

3.     my son/daughter as a passenger in a car driven by another legally licensed student.



 I acknowledge as conditions of this waiver that I agree to abide by the school and team’s rules of behavior and conduct during and while en route to and from these out-of-town games, meets, and events. I acknowledge I have been apprised of the travel rules by my coach/advisor. I acknowledge that I understand all of the rules of behavior and conduct and agree to abide by them.



I fully understand that the Kittery School Department or its employees will not be liable for any injury, harm or damage to my son/daughter’s person and/or property occurring during or arising from such transportation. I waive, and agree to hold the Kittery School Department and its employees harmless from any claims arising out of such transportation.


I understand that the signatures below indicate waiver for the activity of _______________________________ for the ____________________(year/season or date) ONLY and that I may revoke such waiver at any time in writing to the Athletic Director or Building Principal.



Printed Name of Student



Signature of Student



Signature of Parent/Guardian

Revised:   October 2013