The Kittery School Department will provide transportation for students participating in co-curricular activities approved by the School Committee when such activities are held off-campus. Whenever feasible, school buses will be used to transport students. However, the School Department recognizes that it may not always be possible or cost effective to provide bus transportation. Privately owned vehicles may be used for student transportation when, in the opinion of the building principal and with the approval of the Superintendent, this is the most practical or only possible method of transportation. Transportation involving staff driving students in personal vehicles shall be governed by policy EEAG, Use of Private Vehicles on School Business.
Students are expected to travel from the school to the activity or event and return from the event or activity on school-provided transportation. Any exception to this policy shall require parents to contact the building principal or coach or advisor supervising the activity and to submit a form signed by the student’s parent relieving the School Department of all responsibility for the safety of the student.
The School Committee reserves the right to annually assess a student transportation fee for co-curricular activities. The School Committee will annually review these fees through the budget process to determine the need for, and amount of, such fees for the following school year. Students who qualify under federal guidelines for free or reduced price meals will be exempt from co-curricular transportation fees.
Students must follow all bus conduct rules and the Student Code of Conduct while traveling to and from co-curricular activities on school-provided transportation.
Adopted: May 21, 1985
Revised: August 20, 1991; July 5, 1994; May 3, 2005; January 7, 2014
Cross Reference: EEAG – Use of Private Vehicles on School Business
JIC – Student Code of Conduct
JICC – Student Conduct on School Buses