Accurate and prompt accident reporting is essential for the filing of insurance claims and to efforts to promote the safety of the School Department’s students and employees and others present on school property or at school sponsored events.


The School Committee requires that reports be filed for all accidents involving personal injury or property damage that occur on school property (including school buses), at school-sponsored activities or on school-sponsored trips, or when a staff member is using his/her private vehicle for authorized school business.


All personal injury and/or property damage accidents must be reported immediately to the building principal/supervisor.


All accidents involving injury to students must be reported first to the building principal and then to parents by telephone as soon as possible.


When the accident involves a School Department employee, the employee will immediately notify a supervisor and file an accident report (a first report of injury) with the principal or department supervisor within twenty-four (24) hours.


Persons other than students and district employees should file an accident report with the building principal the day of the incident.


When the incident involves serious personal injury to a student or employee, the principal or supervisor must notify the Central Office immediately and follow with a written report.


The Superintendent/designee will be responsible for making accident report forms available in each school and in the central office.


Each building principal and department supervisor will maintain a file of reported accidents occurring within his/her area of responsibility.



Adopted:                May 21, 1985


Revised:                     August 20, 1991;   July 5, 1994;   August 2, 2011