Accidents are undesirable, unplanned occurrences that may result in tragic consequences—bodily harm, loss of school time, property damage, legal action, and even fatality. It shall be the policy of the School Committee to guard against such occurrences by taking reasonable precautions to protect the safety of all students, employees, visitors and others present on school property or at school-sponsored events.
The practice of safety shall also be considered a facet of the instructional plan of the schools by virtue of educational programs in traffic and pedestrian safety, driver education, fire prevention, emergency procedures, etc., appropriately geared to students at different grade levels.
Each principal shall be responsible for the supervision of a safety program for his/her school, and the Superintendent shall have overall responsibility for the safety program. General areas of emphasis shall include, but not be limited to in-service training, accident record-keeping, plant inspection, driver and vehicle safety programs, fire prevention, school site selection, and emergency procedures and traffic safety problems relevant to students, employees and the community.
Adopted: August 20, 1991
Revised: July 5, 1994
Reviewed PC: June 30, 2011