

From:  Accounting Manager, serving as Purchasing Agent and Contract Administrator for Kittery School District
To:      Procurement File for Project:

Re:   Documentation of Procurement and Contracting For Project Using Federal Awards



As required by the School Unit’s bidding/procurement policy and the Federal Procurement Manual, the undersigned Purchasing Agent and Contract Administrator makes the following statements and provides the following documentation concerning the above-identified project, which involves the procurement and purchase of property, goods, and/or services using a federal award:


1.   Method of Procurement.  The School Unit used the following method of procurement for this project (check one box; see Section C of the Federal Procurement Manual for description of procurement methods and thresholds):

Micropurchase (≤ $10,000).  No quotes are needed; explain why you consider the price to be reasonable based on research, experience, purchase history, or other information:


Small Purchase (≤ $250,000).  Identify at least 3 vendors from which a price quote was informally obtained:


Sealed BidAttach notice of written invitation for sealed bids.


Request for Proposals (RFP)Attach RFP and describe how RFP was published. Attach advertisements.


Sole SourceExplain the basis for sole-source procurement (check one or more boxes):

The item is available only from a single source.

The federal awarding agency or pass-through entity expressly authorized the sole source procurement.

After solicitation from vendors/firms using another method, competition is determined inadequate.

An exigency or emergency exists that will not allow a delay resulting from competitive solicitation.  Explain:

2.   Cost/Price Analysis (for purchases over $250,000). I performed a cost/price analysis in connection with this procurement by making an independent estimate of the cost/price before receiving any bids or proposals.  Attach documentation of cost/price analysis.  See Section C.3 of the Federal Procurement Manual for instructions.

3.   Suspension or Debarment (for purchases over $25,000).  I used the System for Award Management (SAM) to search for the vendor by name, tax identification number, or another characteristic to make sure the vendor has not been suspended or debarred from performing federally funded work.

4.   Subrecipient or Contractor Classification.  The selected vendor/firm is hereby classified as follows (check one box, see Section E of the Federal Procurement Manual for instructions):

Contractor      Sub-recipient

5.   Contract. A copy of the executed contract is included in the procurement file for this project.




May 2021