The principal or designee is responsible for the proper collection, deposit and accounting for gate receipts from school-sanctioned athletic events. All such proceeds shall be deposited directly to the School Department’s Enterprise Account.
The purpose of the Enterprise Account shall be to fund large expenditures for school-sponsored athletic teams. Long-term goals for such expenditures shall be developed and prioritized by the Activities Director, subject to review by the Superintendent.
It is the School Committee’s intent that expenditures be distributed equitably among athletic teams. Planned expenditures will be included in the annual athletic budget and approved through the annual budget process.
Revenues from gate receipts shall be itemized by team to facilitate understanding of the contribution of each team.
Enterprise Account funds are part of the total fiscal operation of the School Department and shall be audited as part of the District’s annual audit.
Adopted: May 21, 1985
Revised: June 18, 1991; April 6, 1999; September 16, 2008; September 6, 2011
Cross Reference: DFF – Student Activities Funds