The School Committee believes that it has a responsibility to keep the public informed about the operations, programs, progress, and problems of the public schools. Consequently, School Committee meetings are open to the news media and public. In the event that representatives of the news media are unable to attend a meeting, upon request, the Superintendent shall provide a summary of important School Committee actions.
Public documents, as defined by state statute, will be made available as provided by statute and the school unit’s procedures. Requests should be made to the Office of the Superintendent.
When individual School Committee members receive requests from news media representatives for information or comment, they shall refer such inquiries to the School Committee Chair, who shall be the public spokesperson for the School Committee.
Adopted: July 5, 1994
Revised: April 12, 2011
Legal Reference: 1 MRSA § 402
Cross Reference: KI - Visitors to the Schools