The Superintendent, in his/her role as School Committee Secretary, shall prepare and maintain accurate minutes of all meetings of the School Committee.
The minutes shall reflect the type of meeting (regular, special, or emergency), the date, time, and place of the meeting, and the names of the members present, those absent with excuse (if any), and those absent without excuse (if any).
The minutes shall include, at a minimum: the wording of motions and resolutions; the name of the School Committee member making the motion; the name of the School Committee member seconding the motion (if a second is required); the action taken; and the vote.
When a School Committee member abstains from voting because of a conflict of interest as defined by law, his/her abstention and shall be recorded in the minutes.
Draft (unapproved) minutes of meetings will be distributed to all School Committee members prior to the meeting at which they are to be presented for approval. Draft (unapproved) minutes will be made available to the media upon request and may be inspected and copied by members of the public at the Office of the Superintendent. Draft (unapproved) minutes shall be stamped “draft” to indicate their status.
School Committee meeting minutes shall be acted upon by the School Committee at its next regular meeting. The School Committee’s action on the minutes will be reflected in the minutes of the meeting at which they are approved.
Approved minutes shall be permanently filed in the Office of the Superintendent, where they shall be available to the public for inspection and copying during normal business hours.
School Committee minutes will be posted on the Kittery School Department’s website and/or shall be made available at Kittery School Department Central Office
Adopted: February26, 1985
Revised: May 21, 1991; July 5, 1994; April 12, 2011
Legal Reference: 1 MRSA §§ 402(3), 408; 20-A MRSA §§ 1004, 1055
30-A MRSA § 2605
Cross Reference: BBBDA – School Committee Declared Vacancy Caused by Absenteeism
BEDI – School Committee Relations with the Media
BEDFA - Abstentions