Voting, except on procedural items, shall be done by roll call.  A vote on a particular agenda item may be taken only after a motion has been made and seconded and a reasonable opportunity for School Committee member discussion allowed.


The Chair will then direct the Secretary to proceed with the roll call vote.  Names of the members shall be called randomly, but with the Chair voting last.  Each member of the School Committee shall respond “Yes” or “No” or “Not Voting.”  All votes shall be recorded in the minutes.


A motion shall be declared “Carried” upon the affirmative vote of the majority of the members present and voting, unless otherwise required by law or School Committee policy.


For procedural votes only, voting will be done by show of hands.


Maine public officials are obliged to vote openly.  Secret ballots will not be allowed in any circumstances.



Adopted:           February 26, 1985


Revised:                  May 21, 1991;  July 5, 1994;  January 2, 1996;   May 3, 2011


Legal Reference:    Charter of the Town of Kittery § 4.08


Cross Reference:     BEDFA - Abstentions