Regular Meetings


The School Committee will hold its regular business meetings twice a month on the first and third Tuesday of the month at the Kittery Town Hall unless otherwise set by action of the School Committee.


Special Meetings


A special meeting of the School Committee is a meeting that is held to address important matters that arise between regular meetings and/or require School Committee action before the time set for the next regular meeting, or to consider a single subject in one session.


A special meeting may be called at any time at the discretion of the Chair or at the request of the Superintendent.  A special meeting shall be called at the written request of three or more members of the School Committee.


The Superintendent shall be responsible for providing notice of a special meeting to School Committee members and the media at least 12 hours in advance of the meeting, whenever practicable.  The notice or agenda shall indicate the subject(s) of the meeting and action to be taken.


No business other than that stated in the notice of the meeting shall be transacted unless the School Committee agrees by a majority vote to consider other business.


Emergency Meetings


An emergency meeting of the School Committee is a meeting that is called because a matter is so urgent that it must be addressed immediately and the advance notice required for a special meeting cannot reasonably be provided.


An emergency meeting may be called by the Chair or at the request of the Superintendent.


Whenever practicable, 12 hour advance notice will be provided.  The Superintendent shall notify the media of an emergency meeting by the same or faster means as used to notify School Committee members.  The notice shall indicate the purpose of the meeting.


No business may be transacted other than that related to the purpose for which the emergency meeting is called.


Executive Sessions


Executive sessions of the School Committee shall be called and conducted in accordance with state law.  Only the matter(s) stated in the motion to enter executive session shall be considered.  No final action may be taken in executive session.

Workshops and Informational Meetings


The School Committee, at its discretion, may schedule workshops and other meetings to discuss a particular subject or proposal or to gather input from staff, community, or other groups.


No formal action shall be taken by the School Committee at any meeting other than a regular meeting, special meeting, or emergency meeting.


Cancellation, Emergency Postponement of Meetings and Rescheduling of Meetings


The Chair will not cancel, postpone or reschedule any regular business meeting without consultation with the Superintendent and the agreement of the majority of the School Committee.  The Chair/designee will notify the public and the media as soon as practicable when a decision to cancel, postpone or reschedule a meeting is made. 


Absence of Superintendent


The School Committee will take no action in a meeting in the absence of the Superintendent, except that the School Committee may act in an emergency, the immediate safety of students, school unit personnel, school unit facilities or property, or to appoint a Superintendent or Interim Superintendent.



Adopted (BEA):     February 26, 1985


Revised:                  May 21, 1991;  July 5, 1994;  May 3, 2011;   August 20, 2019


Legal References:   1 MRSA § 403 et seq.

                                 20-A MRSA § 1001

                                 Charter of the Town of Kittery § 4.08


Cross References:   BEC—Executive Sessions

                                 BEDA—Notification of School Committee Meetings
